Time to a revamp with all the new information, the new trailer, the new screenshots and so on! We are a small wannabe indie developer studio based in Turin, Italy. And we are called… MixedBag!
Anyway, we are developing an iOS action adventure game, directly aimed at the avid gamers crowd, with a nostalgic and essential graphic style and a unique control system. The game is running at 60fps on iPad 1+ and iPhone 4+/iPod touch, and at 30fps on the iPhone 3GS. We are aiming for constant 60 frames per second because, for a game, it’s really worth it. Night and day difference, really, I swear!
Of course we are using Unity for the project, and some awesome extension from the assets store: Ragespline, Ragetools and Poolmanager.
New -revamped- website:http://www.forma8.net
First teaser trailer (woo-hooo!):

And some new screenshots from the latest version!

And if you like it:
– follow the project on Twitter: https://twitter.com/forma_8
– and on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/forma8
Thank you!